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Liar & Spy: The Cover


Monica Edinger said…
Now that is exciting!
Rebecca Stead said…
Thanks, Monica. I'm pretty excited!
Josh said…
I can't wait! I love your writing style, and your novels are great!
Steven Cain said…
Ha! I love all the creepy black and the tiny light there. Is that a rabbit on the roof?

I can't wait! Very cool!
By Amy said…
ACK!!!! When? Where? How? What? Who? and Why?
I have got to get my hot little hands on this one. EEEPPP!! {claps hands in front of face}
Rebecca Stead said…
Oh, thank you, Josh and Amy!!

And Steven!

But no, that's not a rabbit. Though, now that you mention it, I see exactly what you mean. I hope the rabbit-lovers don't feel hoodwinked.
Essie said…
Great cover, R! Can't wait